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Resolve SQL Error: ‘Unable to connect etuser with SQL Server or Database’

Resolve Error “unable to connect etuser with SQL Server or Database” for installations on the server computer or a standalone computer running the database engine and application.  A separate Tech Bulletin covers setup of client workstations – please contact Express Maintenance support to obtain a copy of report 1.6.

Answer: The Microsoft Database Engine (MSDE) provides an extremely reliable and powerful database engine for Express Maintenance.  No user of any of our applications has ever lost data or even found it necessary to rebuild an index or data file.  The MSDE is that solid.  However, the MSDE does add two steps to the installation process.

Installing the SQL Server

The first step is that you must install the MSDE.  On most computers, that is a pretty simple step though it does take a few minutes.

Starting the SQL Server

The second step is to start the SQL Server.  This step is often overlooked especially by users of Windows 98.  You must run the SQL Service Manager.  On Windows NT and later, the Service Manager automatically starts upon installation.  On Windows 95 & 98, you must run the Service Manager.  In both cases, you must start the SQL Server from within the Service Manager.

You must start the database engine the first time.  With SQL / MSDE2000, the Service Manager can be found under Start / Programs / Startup.  With the SQL / MSDE7 you will find the Service Manager under Start / Programs / MSDE.  When the Service Manager window appears, check the Auto Start option in the lower left corner.  Next, click the green Start button to start the SQL database server.  It will not be necessary to repeat this step as the SQL server will start automatically in the future.

Database Recognition

After you start the database engine, try running Express Maintenance by double clicking on the desktop shortcut.  In most cases, the program will run properly or prompt to create the database for the first time.  For details on setting up the database for the first time, see the SQL Installation (1.I) tech bulletin.

In the unlikely event the program still fails to recognize the SQL server, you have a problem with the computer data access components which is part of windows.  You should then try connecting via the Windows ODBC Manager.

Administrator Privileges

Note that the first time you run Express Maintenance, you must have Administrator Privileges as it must create the startup database.  Please make sure you login to your system as Administrator the first time you run Express Maintenance in order to create the database.
